Stop the concrete madness – a sustainable alternative

In the name of progress careless destruction of what could be a visitor’s highlight: Tuasan Falls, once a paradise for nature lovers is now  a “developed” tourist spot.  A concrete road was carved into the unstable flank of the active volcano for easy access, destroying what Camiguin is famous for: its untouched nature. 

The result:  Never ending landslides are a danger to life and property. 

Our Alternative: sustainable eco-tourism inclusive of the local population

  • access road to the vicinity of the tourist spot only, avoiding dangerous terrain and harming the mountain
  • parking lot at a fair walking distance to the attraction
  • shady trails for hikers, mountain bikers and horse back riders
  • wheelchair accessible trail for the disabled and elderly
  • guided horseback rides and hikes for tourists and their children
  • job creation for nearby villagers through sale of local products and services avoiding plastics and other inorganic waste materials 
  • Minimal destruction of the environment, landscaping with local plants and trees
  • Natural beauty to remember

Sustainable tourism addresses the needs of all and profits everyone


Concrete cannot protect against the force of thousands of tons of unstable volcanic material. This site is less than 500 meters away from the main attraction Tuasan Falls:
A road carved through volcanic lahar “protected” by an expensive concrete Wall for visitors who come here to enjoy pristine nature. (Photo: Rob Dunn, Jan. 2021)
Nature lovers watch out: The concrete road eating into the virgin jungles of Hibok Hibok Mountain Natural Monument after heavy rains. What used to be a prime cross island hiking trail past Tusasan Falls turned into a disaster zone endangering nature visitors and Trekkers (Photo: Rob Dunn, Jan 2021)

Before and after – what makes you come to Camiguin?

Tuasan Falls before the concrete attack: A refreshing treasure for tourists surrounded by pristine forest in its natural state. (Photo: Rene Weber, March 2007)
Tuasan Falls after development: Camiguinons visiting the mistreated beauty suffering from an attack by bulldozers and concrete. (Photo: Rene Weber, May 2015)

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