Browing category No to Diesel Power Plant

Camiguins electricity is the most expensive in the Philippines. How a dirty diesel power plant sponsors a private luxury resort financed by consumers.

The Kings Energy Generation Inc. (KEGI) has found a new way to enjoy their lucrative deal with Camiguin’s electricity consumers:  The Private Diesel Power Plant of KEGI has now a private resort called El Planta Resort. The DPP is supposed to supply power to CAMELCO according to their contract. However, CAMELCO is getting power from

No to Diesel Power Plant

The Citizens for Green and Peaceful Camiguin came into existence when it suddenly came to light, that a decision was taken to build a Diesel Power Plant in the middle of a peaceful neighborhood, close to peoples’ bedrooms, their children’s playgrounds and their lanzones plantations. The neighbors were never asked whether they liked the idea