The Citizens for Green and Peaceful Camiguin (CGPC) is a non-profit non-political organisation. Its members are a community group of Camiguinons from all walks of life. We are living in Camiguin, somewhere in the Philippines or abroad. Our goal is to help protect the natural beauty of Camiguin Island, its environment and its people. Jointly
The Citizens for Green and Peaceful Camiguin Inc. (CGPC) are registered by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under Reg. No. CN20142987 since May 2014 as a non-political non-profit non-government organisation (NGO). CGPC is associated with SULOG – One Sendong is Enough, a coalition of environmental watchdogs and progressive civil society organizations in Northern Mindanao particularly Task Force Macajalar, a federation
We The Citzens of Green and Peaceful Camiguin recognize that Camiguin is a natural paradise and we want to keep it that way. We want to have a say in all decisions that affect our well being, our environment, our livelihoods and our future and the future of our children. We want that the rights
The Citizens for Green and Peaceful Camiguin came into existence when it suddenly came to light, that a decision was taken to build a Diesel Power Plant in the middle of a peaceful neighborhood, close to peoples’ bedrooms, their children’s playgrounds and their lanzones plantations. The neighbors were never asked whether they liked the idea
In the name of progress careless destruction of what could be a visitor’s highlight: Tuasan Falls, once a paradise for nature lovers is now a “developed” tourist spot. A concrete road was carved into the unstable flank of the active volcano for easy access, destroying what Camiguin is famous for: its untouched nature. The result:
The rights of the Filipino Citizens and of all Camiguinons are protected by the constitution. Hundreds of laws were formulated to guarantee the well-being of the population. Many of them are specifically made to guarantee that the Filipinos can enjoy life in a sound and healthy environment. All of these laws enshrine basic and universal
In our fight to stop the illegal construction of the diesel power plant Greenpeaceful Camiguin detected many abnormalities and illegal dealings with enough proof to file cases and complaints against government employees, politicians and private individuals. This was a huge challenge since no lawyers from Camiguin were willing to take CGPC’s cases. The crimes involved
How a small group of courageous Camiguinons took up the fight against a multi-million Peso company and their local government in order to save their environment – THE ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE DIESEL POWER PLANT IN MAUBOG, BALBAGON, MAMBAJAO CAMIGUIN – AN EYE OPENER AND LESSON ABOUT THE WORKINGS OF PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS (picture: stage sabotaged
THE TRUE SUBMARINE-CABLE STORY – HOW THE CAMIGUIN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (CAMELCO) LOANED PHP 220 MILLION AND WHY THE MANAGEMENT WANTED TO KEEP IT ALL SECRET….. The narration of events is based on what was discovered and patched together from the time CGPC discovered ERC CASE NO. 2010-098RC for a 220Million loan and the documents they
The Philippines’ power production and supply networks are regulated by government agencies. It is their job to make sure that all Filipinos have access to electricity and that the Filipino electricity consumers are getting a fair deal when paying their electricity bills. The National Electrification Agency (NEA) controls the electricity generation and distribution businesses and
A clean environment and peoples rights don’t come for free. It needs effort, personal engagement, courage, knowledge, research and persistence – and last but not least funding. If you want to support the Citizens for Green and Peaceful Camiguin with your knowhow, skills or expertise please get in touch with us. If you want to
With sincere thanks for your donation Fe and Dag Ulfstein, Marites and Hugo Rami, Giovanni Piana, Lina Schaffer, Cheryl Gallardo, Paz A. Gallardo, Leticia Quiblat Gonsette, Jane Warque, Jeffrey Guibelondo, Dadan and Erlinda Reyes, Joy King, Nestor Manundo, Delia Sia, Cel Warque, Antoinette Schwechlen, Renato Namoc, Elvi Pacudan, Evelyn Smith, Ivy Boborol, Reyna Waysawal, Bernadetha